Classroom Teachers
K-12 Teachers in Schools Across the U.S.A. and Canada
Build List Contact Us Request Sample FileK-12 Classroom teachers can be found in ListBuilder by searching Job Functions under Schools. You can find Classroom Teachers by Job Functions including:
Agriculture Teacher |
Algebra Teacher |
AP Biology Teacher |
Art History Teacher |
Astronomy Teacher |
Calculus Teacher |
Computer Technology Educator |
Electronics Teacher |
ESL Teacher |
Fine Arts Educator |
Foreign Language Educator |
Geometry Teacher |
Gifted Educator |
Health Teacher |
Humanities Teacher |
Language Arts Educator |
Music Teacher |
Science Teacher |
Classroom teachers are a critical part of the educational product and service decision making process. Many school districts allocate each teacher a discretionary budget of $500 to $1000 to spend on classroom materials as they see fit. Teachers are regularly part of group decision making committees for things like curriculum, technology and supplemental materials. Teachers also serve as the primary conduit for school replacement requisitions on things like broken furniture, replacement books and classroom supplies. Many educational marketers focus too much attention on school and district administrators overlooking the key influencers / requestors of all-things education – the teachers.
If your company’s product or service is going to be used by teachers (or in the classroom) then your company should include teachers in any awareness campaigns or purchasing decision communications.
MCH has over 4,000,000 classroom educators that are compiled and verified though a complex state of the art process that tracks 2/3 of these educators through school website rostering that are updated every 30-days. MCH is currently tracking over 80,000 schools using this process. Where specific job roles and subject information is provided that is captured too. Because we are gathering this data from the school themselves this helps ensure the most up-to-date and comprehensive marketing data possible. These teachers can be reached through direct mail, email and programmatic digital audiences.
TIP: When targeting teachers use a multi-layered approach. Work your best target school customers and prospects and focus on the most relevant contacts and make sure you saturate these. But then work to cast a broader net with the next few levels of potential interest groups by using programmatic digital awareness campaigns and slower drip email awareness campaigns. Not every school, district or state provides all the information wanted. Getting comprehensive coverage of all niche roles of every teacher is not possible. So, take the niche coverage you can get but then try to move one rung down to target the next most likely group. So, for example, Algebra teachers might be the most desired niche target. But one rung down would be high school math teachers and these should be considered too as not every school or district will provide subject level job function information but might group all Math educators together which would be the next best thing.
TIP: Remember teachers frequently change job roles, classes taught, or grades taught year to year depending on the needs of the school. A 3rd grade teacher one year, might become the 4th grade teacher the next year. These changes are typically announced by the schools and districts at the start of the school year, and it takes a month or two for the changes to make their way through the compilation system. Smart marketers work to identify new to role teachers as a subsequent marketing effort after your back-to-school campaign is over. Getting in front of these new-to-role teachers early in the process (when they need products and services) can lead to stronger sales down the road.\
TIP: Post COVID pandemic, practicing teacher numbers are at their lowest level in the past 10 years. Workloads have increased and student performance has dipped. Teachers need help with tools and services that increase their performance and effectiveness. They also need products and services that can help close student performance gaps. Keep your marketing messages tight and to the point. Be specific about what benefits a teacher gets if they were to buy your product or use your service. Make the buying decision and process easy.
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